HTML is a Tricky Creature
First of all, I was seriously struggling with this assignment when I first began because I was only looking at the assignment sheet. However, once I consulted the internet I was able to make some progress. From the resources I conjured up on the web, I realized that most web design occurs on windows computers because there was at least 10 articles or videos about HTML on PC for every single video about HTML on Mac. With the help of those articles and videos I was able to create a very simple web page with a title and two paragraphs. I tried to attach pictures, but they would not work. First, I tried attaching a picture from the internet by using the command <img src="URL"> and when that did not work I downloaded the image and tried to attach it with the command <img src="image_name.jpg"> and that command did not work either. Feels bad man. Even though I had a rough start and could not attach images properly, I still enjoyed this assignment. It's am...